Viruses Article by Dr. Fox
It’s that time of year when multiple environmental factors give viruses a pass into our bodies. I want to keep this short, but pertinent. In any given fall/winter season we find 30+ Influenza -like Viruses (ILV) circulating, of these, 30 ILVs, less than 20% are accounted for by Influenza A & B. What does this mean? You might test negative for Influenza A or B, but you still have all the same symptoms. Flu shots target the seasonally predicted strain of Influenza A or B, but they don’t target the other 28 + ILVs. But you still feel the same. Flu shot efficacy is a statistical data point, often manipulated, and traditionally has never reached absolute efficacy above 50%.
With that being said, what are the risks of Influenza A & B or the other ILV clan? For those with chronic medical conditions, the already compromised immune system gets overwhelmed by the acute virus, and suddenly the post viral immunological support is gone. It is like the defunded internal police force suddenly got exhausted by a sudden riot control operation. Then those bacteria that live in our respiratory system, normally kept in check by the immune police, decide it’s time to party. So, post viral infection police depletion can lead to a post viral bacterial infection that they call pneumonia.
Are the bells going off yet? The reported average yearly death rate from Influenza is around 36,000. Usually the elderly, but does the flu kill them or post viral bacterial pneumonia? Pneumonia!!! I say all that to say this: If you come down with a febrile influenza like virus the following is helpful:
Don’t wait 7 days to call me! If after 3 days of illness, not getting better or progressively worsening?
My aim is to avoid post viral pneumonia conditions through treatment earlier than later. What can you do early on to support your system before pharmaceuticals are necessary?
· Vitamin C 2000 mg three times a day for 5 days
· Zinc 15 mg twice a day for 5 days
· Quercetin 500 mg twice a day for 5 days
· Vitamin D3 5,000 units a day for 5 days
· NAC 600 mg twice a day for 5 days
Here are the home health tools you need to help evaluate your condition:
1) Blood Pressure
2) Heart Rate
3) Pulse Oximeter
4) Thermometer
Yours in health,
supplements flu
flu vitamins
viral infection natural support